PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2011

Conference Archives

PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2011

Freie Universität Berlin

Berlin, DE

September 26, 2011 – September 28, 2011

The Public Knowledge Project, in partnership with the Freie Universität Berlin, presented the Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference from September 26 - 28, 2011 in Berlin, Germany.

This was the first time that the PKP Conference was held outside of Vancouver, Canada, and we enjoyed meeting more members of the international scholarly publishing community. Given that the landmark Budapest Open Access Initiative was launched ten years earlier (in December 2001), the PKP conference invited explorations of the successes achieved, setbacks overcome, and lessons learned in our shared attempts to support alternative publishing solutions and to increase open access within scholarly publishing. The first and second PKP conferences brought together a remarkable array of presentations and participants from around the world, and this third event provided an equally valuable experience in 2011.

Conference Reflections

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For more information about the conference sessions, please visit the Presentation page, which includes selected videos, papers, and presentation files from the conference.



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