PKP International Scholarly Publishing Conferences, PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2013

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PKP Publishing Services: from ad-hoc experiment to sustainable enterprise
James MacGregor, Kurt Bolko, Chris MacDonald, Karen Meijer-Kline, Brian Owen, Kevin Stranack

Building: Amoxcalli Buildings (Science Department)
Room: Auditorium (Carlos Graef)
Date: 2013-08-21 03:40 PM – 04:40 PM
Last modified: 2013-06-20


As the Public Knowledge Project continues to grow, so too does PKP Publishing Services (PKP|PS), an in-house hosting and custom development service specifically for users of OJS and other PKP software.  PKP began these services in the mid-2000's, as an ad-hoc cost cost recovery mechanism for the project and as a means to more closely work with users of the software. Since then, the number of hosted instances of OJS, OCS, and more recently OMP have risen dramatically. So too have the customizations of each of software. This growth brings new challenges: the ongoing maintenance of hundreds of individual software instances, each with their own customizations; the management an increasingly diverse client base; and the preparation for sustained growth in an ever-more professional future. This presentation provides a brief overview of the history of PKP's hosting endeavours, and discusses the current status and ongoing evolution of PKP|PS' services. It will also address more general topics -- open source software and their associated business models; the distinctions between a hosting service and a full publishing operation -- and will be of interest to anyone who is providing or considers providing services and support of PKP's software to others.


publishing; hosting; Open Journal Systems; sustainability; open access publishing

Full Text: Presentation