PKP International Scholarly Publishing Conferences, PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2013

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Evolution and Growth of Open Access journal: Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
José Luis Martinez, Claudio Laurido, Brenda Modak, Alejandro Urzua

Building: Amoxcalli Buildings (Science Department)
Room: Anfiteatro Alfredo Barreda
Date: 2013-08-21 03:40 PM – 04:40 PM
Last modified: 2013-08-01


The Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (BLACPMA) is a scientific journal devoted to medicinal plants, aromatic, of economic importance and natural products with bioactivity. Since its inception, has been an open access journal. Originally, the objective of the bulletin was the dissemination of news and scientific events. Over time, we began to receive a few scientific papers related to the theme of the Bulletin. It was necessary to create an Editorial Committee, then including the bulletin in various international indexes. Currently, BLACPMA is an ascending journal among the best of Chile and internationally. The Impact Factor (Thomson Reuters) has been growing permanently. Among the strategies used to improve the rising of the Impact Factor figures the prioritization of two thematic lines (essential oils and ethnobotany). In addition, we are improving the day to day quality of articles wherewith the rejection has been rising on account of accepting what we consider the best. Being in OJS has allowed greater access to our bulletin, as the website is easy to use and widely disseminated every time new number goes into circulation. Maybe the greatest difficulties we have experienced are the reception of articles in Portuguese, due to the lack of evaluators in that language. This has been resolved through contacts with researchers from Brazil and visits to scientific events in that country. The scope of the journal crosses all cultures in the world and there is not an obstacle to receiving manuscripts from Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Perhaps, this latter fact has served to help boost the impact factor beyond expectations. While not all with the same fate, also contributed to this sense, the publication of many theses transformed into scientific manuscripts, especially those from Latin American people. From the lessons learned, we can mention the fact that you should not publish parochial research from small regions. Furthermore, that the techniques underlying the presented manuscripts, be modern or updated, that no preliminary investigations are accepted, but a finished work, and the main aspect is that the chemical or biological studies be in relation to the ethnobotanical properties of the species. The main challenge of our Newsletter has been to maintain a status for which there is no a specific recipe. However, assistance to events has been central to publicize the Bulletin among the Latin American scientific community. Currently, 6 numbers are published with around 60 articles per year, with a 70% rejection. During the year 2013, the bulletin was recognized through a project to support Chilean journals by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT). For the last three years, depends on the Vice Presidency of Research, Development and Innovation (VRIDEI), University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) as a publisher. This is the only ISI journal of the University.


OJS, Journal; Impact