PKP International Scholarly Publishing Conferences, PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2019

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The PLAID Journal: An Open Access Gateway to Advance Our Knowledge of Diabetes
Roxann Mouratidis, Martin Wood

Last modified: 2019-11-02


The Florida State University College of Medicine developed an open access, peer-reviewed diabetes journal designed to connect patients, healthcare providers, and researchers. The PLAID Journal, which stands for People Living with And Inspired by Diabetes, aims to create meaningful learning opportunities that connect the science, advancements in healthcare, and practical day-to-day needs of people living with diabetes. By publishing a mix of research articles, patient perspectives, and practical diabetes tips, this unique publication model attracts wide readership and diverse authorship. Most recently, the journal's OJS interface has been customized. Further, a partnership was established with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to maximize reach and impact.

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