PKP International Scholarly Publishing Conferences, PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2015

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Networking for OJS: the German initiative
Božana Bokan, Christina Riesenweber

Last modified: 2015-06-02


The project “Sustainable OJS infrastructure for electronic publication of academic journals” aims at further establishing Open Journal Systems within the German speaking academic community. During the project term (2014–2016) the software will be further adapted and a comprehensive online platform will be published which will provide information both for researchers who publish with OJS, as well as for service providers who offer OJS hosting solutions for academic institutions.

The Lightning Talk will present the project, describe our achievements so far, and outline what lies ahead: software development for OJS, building up a German language information infrastructure on OJS, a user survey we conducted in spring 2015 and, most importantly, our endeavor to connect German OJS service providers in order to facilitate transfer of know-how and provide support for German-speaking OJS users. We will also briefly outline the benefits and challenges of a multi-institutional OJS project in terms of funding and organization. project partners are the Center for Digital Systems at Freie Universität Berlin, the University Library of Heidelberg and the Center for Communication, Information and Media at the University of Konstanz. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is conducted in close communication with PKP. Find more information on


OJS; Networking; Support

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