PKP International Scholarly Publishing Conferences, PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2007

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teiJournal: Online and Print Journals through XML
*Martin Holmes, Karin Armstrong

Last modified: 2007-07-16


The purpose of the teiJournal e-publishing system is to provide a
framework which enables the publication of document collections encoded
in TEI P5 XML format. The typical usage scenario would be a traditional
journal which has been published in print for some years, and which now
wishes to add an online publication framework. The same source documents
would be used to produce a variety of outputs formats, for print and
online viewing, and the system would automatically provide searching,
indexing, TOC and other features, based on the XML source documents.
teiJournal will be based on several existing projects at the University of Victoria in which collections of documents have been encoded in XML
and then rendered into various formats. Most relevant are the ACH/ALLC
2005 Abstracts project, in which over 100 short papers were rendered
into an online program, a print publication, and a variety of other
formats, and the Scandinavian-Canadian Studies journal, in which
articles and reviews are rendered online into PDF and XHTML, and a print
publication is also generated for each volume.
In the past, we have created a number of systems like this, tailored
for specific projects (such as those mentioned above). teiJournal will be a
generic tool, with a fully-documented system for modifying and
customizing it, so that future projects along the same lines can be
realized more easily and rapidly. The project will be open-source,
released under the Mozilla Public Licence, version 1.1.